Avon Sailboats

Small boats.  Right parts.  Fine service.  Since 1968.

Hobie Tandem Island

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Hobie Mirage Tandem Island

The Tandem Island is the latest sailboat in Hobie's lineup. The Island uses Hobie's unique Mirage Drive system (pedal-power at its finest). Hobie Tandem Islands are fast, fun—and very user-friendly, especially if you are new to sailing. Go in any direction you want, regardless of the wind direction; just aim, pedal, and steer, by moving the rudder lever at your fingertips.

Sail together

tandem island, boat of the year awardSteering and sail controls are at each seat, so one person, or both people, can be in control, or help each other when needed. When two saillors (or want-to-be sailors) in a close relationship want to play together in a fun sailboat, this feature is highly advantageous.

Sail alone

You can sail the Hobie Island Tandem alone too, if you'd like, though if you want to mostly sail alone, the single, Hobie Mirage Adventure Island, was made for you. Bigger is not always better; there are many things to consider given your individual needs/wants/lake conditions.... Certainly, there are advantages to each model. Come in and talk to us.

With the enormous success and popularity of the single-handed Island ...a Tandem model was a natural. Hobie really did their homework and designed a top-notch, innovative, sailboat. Sailing World thought so too, and awarded the Hobie Tandem Island the 2011 Recreational Boat of the Year Award.

Copyright © 2011 Avon Sailboats • SMALL SAILBOATS & KAYAKS, METRO DETROIT, SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN • 1033 East Auburn, Rochester Hills • r11.3.16